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U.S.’s President Biden and his GOP flock have their tongue so far up the ass of Netanyahu and his zionist regime that they can’t see what’s right in front of them – wait, they probably can and guessing it isn’t pretty.

The U.S. government gives unconditional support to a racist ideology in zionism. From our weak president to the sheep-like senators and congress, none have taken the time to educate themselves on the history of the region and the indigenous people that are being slaughtered for their land. And the only one of our elected officials with the balls to say something is a woman – and she was censured for the only humane response to the war crimes being committed by Israeli government.

The U.S. government is complicit in the Israeli war crimes. Supplying billions of dollars in cash and weaponry so that the Israeli government can carry out its genocide, deliberately “clearing them out,” so they can have access to the land.

To those sheep I say educate yourselves. Understand the history of the Palestinian and Jewish people, when Jews lived in Palestine without issue – there were always Jews in Palestine. Learn from the Palestinian Jews that have been in the region for decades before zionism fought them and brainwashed the people.

Read. Read. Read!



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