Common Thread

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Armenian. Holocaust. Guatemalan. Cambodian. Bosnian. Rwandan. Darfur. Rohingya. Palestine Recognize the common thread?

Genocides – and that’s only going back 100 years. “The intentional destruction of a people, in whole or in part.”

Approximately 1.5 million Armenians, 6 million Jews (and 1 million other minority groups), estimated 200,000 Mayans, 1.7 million Cambodians, tens of thousands of Bosnians, 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutus, and thousands (and still counting) of Rohingya Muslims. In a world where there is humanity, genocides would never happen. We said these barbaric acts of destroying a people based on their ethnicity, race or religion could never happen again – not in modern times with good, decent leadership.

It’s happening again. Has been. Slow, deliberate destruction of a people. It’s playing out in real-time with a one-sided presentation brought into our homes and mobile devices by western media. It’s heart-breaking.

Ask yourself one simple question: Is the destruction and elimination of a people – genocide – is it acceptable? Simple human question. I know the answer and so do you.

Now go educate yourself.


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